The most unappreciated, unwanted, thrown-back fish may just be the next one you should try catching. These anglers fish outside the mainstream.

Fishing on the Osage River
Photo by Lake Shots Photography
by Brent Frazee
One man’s trash is another man’s treasure.
We’re talking about trash fish here—you know, the nongame fish that many anglers disdain.
Buffalo, carp, gar, suckers, drum…they don’t get marquee billing at Lake of the Ozarks or anywhere else for that matter.
But maybe they should get at least a little respect. Avid fishermen, including veteran guides, know the nongame fish can put up a heck of a fight and taste surprisingly good if prepared properly.
So, move over bass, crappies and catfish. You get plenty of attention, and rightly so. But this article is devoted to giving some pub to the Lake’s rougher crowd. It’s time to fish outside the mainstream.
Where The Buffalo Roam

Mark Bales of Barnett, MO is content fishing for one of Lake of the Ozarks nongame fish, Buffalo.
Mark Bales could be a public-relations specialist for the buffalo that roam Lake of the Ozarks.
“I’ve caught all kinds of fish—king salmon, different saltwater fish, big catfish, you name it—but I have as good a time catching big buffalo as any of them,” he said.
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