by Sara Halverson | Jul 13, 2019 | Featured, Stories
The alarm screeched from two docks in the same cove. It was the week before Memorial Weekend 2018 — not a good time for electricity to scorch through a cove close to one of the Lake’s hottest pool bars. It turns out, the source was from a most unusual suspect — a...
by Sara Halverson | Jun 23, 2019 | Featured
by Deborah Wolfe Even though a deluge of frigid rain pelted the Lake of the Ozarks area during the October FLW Costa Series fishing tournament, it couldn’t dampen the ambitions of 360-plus anglers raring to reel in more than $100,000 in prizes that included a...
by Sara Halverson | Jun 8, 2019 | Featured, Guides
Party LakeThere’s no “right way” to party by boat at Lake of the Ozarks, other than to always designate a sober captain. The not-so-secret ingredient to a righteous party and day of hopping is all about location. The days of Party Cove are all but dead, but cove...
by Sara Halverson | Jun 6, 2019 | Featured
by Nathan Bechtold & Al Griffin Appoint A Sober Captain It’s obvious. It’s so obvious, and the message gets beaten into our heads through every medium so often, it’s impossible to forget it. So at this point, there’s no excuse. Sure, back in the “good old days,”...
by Sara Halverson | Jun 6, 2019 | Featured, Guides
There are loads of events happening at the Lake of the Ozarks so if you find yourself wondering, “What are we doing at the Lake this weekend?” It’s because you didn’t read this first. The boating season at Lake of the Ozarks may not be year-round. But for Lake of the...
by Sara Halverson | Jun 5, 2019 | Featured, Stories
by Nathan Bechtold Boaters love Missouri. Besides being home to the number one recreational lake in the country—Lake of the Ozarks—Missouri also boasts several other very popular lakes for recreational boaters and anglers, as well as the Mississippi and...